How to Hear God’s Voice & Follow Peace with Grant Troutt

Welcome back to another episode of Stay True! Madison’s husband Grant comes back to the studio this week to help answer a very popular question: How do you hear God’s voice? Hearing from God is something each of us desires, but where do we even start? In this episode, we talk about the disciplines that we must have and the intentionality that we should invest into our relationship with God in order to hear from Him. What is our part in hearing from God, and how can we prepare and posture ourselves to truly listen? We hope that this episode reminds you that God wants to speak to you today, and encourages you to create the room to hear God’s whisper in a loud and chaotic world. As always, be sure to stay you and stay true!


Overcoming Temptation


How to be a Godly Wife & Godly Husband